Town Planning Consultants; Houses, Dwellings and Outbuildings in Farming Zones
The peri-urban region of Victoria, particularly the Central Highlands region, is made up of a range of settlements and townships. Many of these townships service the surrounding farmland and larger scale rural lots which are in high demand for those seeking a 'tree change'. Many people purchasing these larger rural lifestyle lots are seeking to build their dream home, or to add to the farm infrastructure already existing on the property. Small lots in the Farming Zone are, as a general rule, defined as lots less than 40ha (100 acres) in area, although this does change depending on the location. Most small lots are a legacy of past subdivision practices.
You may, however, require a planning permit to construct a farm house or dwelling, construct outbuildings or provide for a change in agricultural enterprise (eg a feedlot) on small lots. These sorts of proposals should be approached in a way that they do not adversely affect the land or surrounding area. Appropriate management of the use and development of dwellings and houses in the Farming Zone is imperative to protect and facilitate agricultural activities, ensure that non-agricultural uses do not adversely affect the use of land for agriculture, protect and enhance rural landscapes and the environment.
Land in rural Victoria can be zoned as any of the following:
- Farming Zone (FZ)
- Green Wedge Zone (GRZ)
- Green Wedge A Zone (GRAZ)
- Rural Activity Zone (RAZ)
- Rural Conservation Zone (RCZ)
- Rural Living Zone (RLZ)
Most proposals for construction of a farm dwelling within these zones will trigger a planning permit requirement. Some councils may request/require a Farm Management Plan to assist with permit applications in these zones.
With ongoing relationships with a wide range of consultants, inclusive of agronomists who specialise in farm management plans,
EDQ Town Planning is able to assist in the permit application process in order to obtain appropriate planning permissions for your dream home. In conjunction with our range of sub consultants, just some of the services we are able to provide include:
- Specialised and location specific Farm Management Plans
- Specialised and location specific Land Management Plans
- Land Conservation Plans and plans specific to Environmental Significance Overlays
- Land Capability Assessments
Contact us today to discuss your unique requirements!