Download our subdivision fact sheet explaining how to subdivide your land in Victoria
The initial pre-application assessment of a subdivision development proposal is necessary to ensure the proposed development can meet planning controls and requirements.
As part of a pre-application development feasibility study, EDQ Town Planning will undertake a review of the zoning, overlays and other planning scheme controls attached to the subject property, and will consider the adequacy of existing utility services at the site such as town water, sewers, gas, electricity and roadways. The likely need for any extension of these services will be considered in order to anticipate the implications this may have to potential permit conditions.
EDQ Town Planning can provide advice and guidance on how to develop land parcels, inclusive of site identification, preliminary town planning investigations and development feasibility studies. This process will also identify if further preliminary investigations and advice should be sought prior to moving to the development application stage. This subdivision feasibility study stage can also include the preparation of an overall project budget and approach strategy for the application phase.
During this initial step we work out how best to approach the project and we work closely with our client to ensure a thorough understanding of the site.
Preparation and submission to Council of the planning permit application, inclusive of the preparation of the proposed subdivision concept plans, can be undertaken once the feasibility study has concluded that a viable subdivision proposal is present. This step sees the bulk of work undertaken by EDQ Town Planning on the project with the preparation of an appropriately detailed submission required.
Coordination of key specialist throughout this stage is also essential;
The key sub consultant required in relation to preparing a subdivision proposal is the engagement of a land surveyor to undertake the required site surveys of the allotment. Once the site is surveyed, the subdivision design can then be considered in relation to the context of the subject land parcel.
For rural townships or country property subdivisions where sewers are not available, it is usually necessary for EDQ Town Planning to commission a Geo technical Engineers soil test and report to prove the additional lots formed by a subdivision can support septic systems on each proposed lot.
Subdivisions of timbered rural lots often require additional investigations and reports to satisfy CFA access and fire fighting requirements. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, DSE protection of flora and fauna, and tree removal controls also need to be considered and addressed within the submission. Stormwater drainage design may also be required at application stage, and an assessment of the subdivision design against planning policy is also required. Further sub consultants may be required depending on the site specific conditions and considerations.
Council planning permit application fees vary with the number of the subdivision lots proposed, however once all required information has been pulled together within the submission, the application can be lodged with Council.
Once a planning permit application for land subdivision is lodged with Council, planning officers will commence their considerations of the proposal. After the planning permit application has been lodged with Council, there is still work to be done in order to keep things moving.
Council will often require additional information associated with your application, and often public notice of the application is required to be given to neighbors, and also via signage on the site. Such advertising is generally at the applicant’s expense.
EDQ Town Planning is able to provide expert assistance in relation to ensuring your application continues to move the permit application process, and we can deal with and respond to any objections to the proposal which arise through the process.
Once the planning permit has been issued by Council, there is a range of work which is required before your subdivision can be signed off. The most important thing to consider at this stage is the appropriate process to be followed in order to have your subdivision plans certified.
The first step in this process is to arrange for the re-engagement of the licensed surveyor to survey to lodge the proposed plans with the titles office, refer the plans to all relevant service authorities, peg the lot boundaries and set easements for the adopted subdivision plans on the site itself. Preliminary engineering design negotiations with Powercor (electricity), the relevant water authority (water and sewerage) and the local Council (drainage and roads) also have to take place. These preliminary engineering design plans will confirm the final layout of the subdivision.
Once the engineering design has been finalised, and the lots have been pegged, the final submission of the detailed subdivision plans (to titles office standards) is to be lodged with the local council for certification. These plans need to be endorsed by all relevant utility services authorities to ensure the intention of all planning permit conditions are met by the presented subdivision layout.
Certification of the Plan of Subdivision usually takes between 4 and 6 months depending on the complexity of the project and ground works required.
All utility services must be installed, paid for and all other planning conditions met before Council issues a 'Statement of Compliance' for your subdivision.
Commencement of the provision of utility services such as roads, water mains, sewers and electricity provision during the certification process is subject to a risk analysis and authority approval of such early works.
The Titles office requires both a certified plan of subdivision and a statement of compliance before new titles for each new subdivision lot can be issued.
Many town planning consultancy firms across Victoria assume that their part in the process is completed once the planning permit has been issued. EDQ Town Planning on the other hand is able to provide you with comprehensive project management services associated with the certification of subdivision as well as the statement of compliance, providing you with a full service offering from start to finish.
The estimate time frame for the whole process from getting the surveyor involved to getting council certification takes a minimum of 9 months and on average 12 to 24 months. Timeframes can vary greatly depending on site specific issues.
The costs associated with the subdivision of land in Victoria can vary greatly property to property. There are a range of things that can impact the overally costs, including the zone of the site, the overlays impacting the site and its immediate surrounds, the specific site context considerations and many others.
Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and the specifics of your site.